We are careful to minimise, as much as possible, the cross-infection of children whilst they are at the Preschool. If you are in doubt of your child’s health or their contagious state, please keep them at home.
If your child displays symptoms of illness while at preschool, we will contact you and may request that the child be taken home and/or checked by a doctor.
If your child suffers an injury or has an accident, the Director may seek appropriate medical advice or treatment, if it is not possible to contact the parent. The accident will also be recorded by staff on an Incident Report Form on our OWNA app.
Share your thoughts and reflections about our environment and program. Discuss the curriculum of the Preschool with staff. All questions and suggestions are welcomed.
Contribute your skills and talents to our program. It may be singing, craft, hobbies, or reading stories. All parents are invited to visit the playrooms and join the fun for as long as they are available.
Join our Management Committee, Social Committee or Gardening Committee.
Assisting with washing some of the Preschool’s belongings (such as tablecloths), returning them on the next day your child attends
To assist the Committee in the management of the Preschool and to provide other means for parents/guardians to become involved in the Preschool, there are two sub-committees known as the Gardening and Social Committees.
These committees have no legal or financial authority to act on behalf of the Preschool. They are designed as specific groups that meet separately from the Committee to manage the playground and social events.
Gardening Committee
The Gardening Committee helps manage the various gardens at preschool. They also support playground improvement by organising repair and working bees as needed.
Social Committee
The Social Committee organises social events or additional classroom activity fund raisers for the Preschool and the children (for example the Family Fun Day, School Holiday catch ups, Big School Reunion Picnic).
The overall management of the Preschool is governed by the Committee, which comprises a group of parents from the Preschool community who give their time to ensure the Preschool is a wonderful learning environment for both children and staff.
The Committee comprises of the following positions:
- President
- Vice President
- Treasurer
- Vice Treasurer*
- Secretary
- Vice Secretary*
- Three (3) Ordinary Members
- *Optional positions
A brief description of each position is as follows:
Head of the Committee and Chairperson of the Committee meetings. The President has the same voting rights as all other Committee members but has the casting vote in the event of a tied vote. As an executive member, has legal authority to act on behalf of the Preschool.
Manages the Preschool’s finances to ensure the efficient ongoing operation of the Preschool, including budget preparation, income and expenses monitoring and co-ordination of the annual audit.
The Preschool has a part time Administration Assistant on staff who manages the finances on a daily basis, such as paying bills and collecting income. As such, the Treasurer’s role is one of general oversee of the finances, not daily operation. As an executive member, the Treasurer has legal authority to act on behalf of the Preschool.
Manages the Preschool’s formal correspondence, Register of Committee members and prepares Minutes of the Committee meetings.
Ordinary Members
There are three (3) Ordinary Members that are actively involved in the Committee but have no specific duties.
Due to licencing regulations stipulated by DoE, all Committee members must undergo background checks including a criminal record and working with children checks. Anyone wishing to join the Committee will be required to agree to the checks and complete the necessary screening forms.
The Committee may at times be required to assess and adjudicate on sensitive and private issues involving the Preschool families. As such, confidentiality is a key requirement of Committee membership and must be strictly maintained at all times. Due to this confidentiality requirement, parents that are not committee members are generally not permitted to attend Committee meetings.